Friday 22 July 2016

Mt.Vesuvius-most dangerous volcano?


Now, I bet you all know about Mt.Vesuvius? If you don't, I'll give a quick explanation...well maybe. Vesuvius is a massive volcano, known to have engulfed Pompeii in ash. With a devastating effect. Now living in ash cocoons: scientists believe that because each person died in a different position, they had a story. (I told you it might not be quick). The city of Herculaneum also endured the effects of Vesuvius. They got the worst. Their flesh was burned of their bodies, only skeletons left in their place. From the impact of how powerful the explosion was, the side of the volcano collapsed. (I like describing things). :P Anyway, it's last eruption was in 1944, (let's just hope it doesn't happen again, eh?) Now, to get to the point of the entire post! Is Mt.Vesuvius the most dangerous volcano? Well, it isn't the most dangerous volcano, it's one of the most dangerous. It's believed to be the only active volcano on mainland Europe. 

Fun fact! :P

In Edinburgh their is a dormant volcano where a castle was safely built there! 

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