Sunday 31 July 2016

Japan-One of the most beautiful countries

Japan is known for it's beautiful sakura trees (cherry blossom), outstanding sights and of course everyone knows that Pokemon was created in this country. It's most active volcano, Sakurajima, means 'Cherry Blossom Island'. Located on an island in Kyushu, Japan. Rated 7th for the most beautiful countries, we can either argue, or not, to say this place is beautiful, and the cherry blossom is worth watching as it flows magnificently through the wind. Kimonos, a Japanese style dress, are also part of the beauty. With many different designs, you can find the perfect one to fit your style.

One of the most detailed Kimonos I've ever seen.

Tuesday 26 July 2016


The Illuminati is a touchy, not talkative subject. It's known among many to be a secret organisation contrasting in acts unknown to us. But the real question is, does it exist? Or is it just something we made up to frighten children into believing lies into not joining any secret society? Apparently the Illuminati was first discovered in 1776, the year in which anyone could believe anything they are told. Also, they were gullible in believing the Illuminati's hidden beliefs in which are quite questionable to us. However, to them, they understand, and don't know any better. Is the Illuminati dangerous? No, they weren't. With the information I have described I say as if they were bad people. They existed to protect themselves, not to calculate bad intentions. The members of the Illuminati were very intelligent and respected scientists, philosophers and thinkers. I have gathered this information from a smart, efficient source. By the way, I don't know for sure if this information is correct, but I tried and I'm interested with this subject.


The graveyard is a sorrowful, desolate place,
Full of sad memories, 
Tears fall to the ground,
The souls of the innocent call upon the demons,
To vanquish

No matter where you hide,

Monday 25 July 2016

Autumn Poem

Autumn poem

The soft song of the Autumn wind 
whistled in my ear, 
Swift leaves falling gracefully
through the air,
The leaves crunched in my hand, 
The dead, decaying leaves of Autumn
looking like a graveyard,
The flame torched trees 
blazing wonderfully,
This is why we call
it Autumn,
my friends.

Sunday 24 July 2016

Bermuda Triangle


Now the Bermuda Triangle is known to be unusual, causing unbelievable disasters, including planes, boats and even fighter jets from the first World War. Named the Bermuda Triangle because these accidents happen in the middle of Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Florida. Also called Devil's Triangle for bringing misery to whoever is in the triangle or possibly near it. Scientists believe that the Bermuda Triangle is above the forgotten city of Atlantis, from the evidence that they have gathered. One well known scientist discovered a crystal pyramid not too far from the Bermuda Triangle, believing it was the work of water rise from being bellow the water. However, he believed that it was the lost city of Atlantis because of the ancient, unknown markings on the walls of inside the crystal pyramid.A small orb of some kind rested on a small pillar, so he took it. Personally, I believe that's what caused those accidents because of the unknown powers of Atlantis. Well, everyone has their opinions. 

Saturday 23 July 2016

Pokemon known to disguise itself as Pikachu to be loved!

You read it folks! Before you get to the conclusion that I'm lying, it's the solid truth. Apparently recently it's been revealed (their designs) in a Japanese magazine. It's name, (Mimikyuu), means mimic. It's entire body is in a pikachu-like cloth to transform into a Pikachu to be caught and loved like any Pikachu, because let's be honest here, Pikachu is really cute, and we love him. To be honest I found Mimikyuu adorable; this is my opinion, if you disagree, that's fine because everyone has their opinion.


The picture above is really cute and sweet to me, I mean...look Pikachu is giving Mimikyuu flowers to be friends! Mimikyuu is a ghost and fairy type, however all it's other traits are unknown! Hope you enjoyed reading this, I enjoyed writing this, hoping Mimikyuu will be loved as much as I love it (don't know what gender Mimikyuu is).

By the way, I don't own any of these pictures! 

Friday 22 July 2016

Paragraph starter for why won't you look at me?

Ghosts...invisible, threatening creatures. They are people who once died, and now they float around in transparent bodies. Beware:they drive you to suicide. Destroying, harming and not caring. Ghosts don't wish to be alone, they just want a friend. A chosen friend. This person has to be unique, not like others and among friends. This chosen person can only see the ghost. Tragic? Well, it's your opinion. It is, or isn't. I don't think it is. Everyone dies; it's apart of life.

Mt.Vesuvius-most dangerous volcano?


Now, I bet you all know about Mt.Vesuvius? If you don't, I'll give a quick explanation...well maybe. Vesuvius is a massive volcano, known to have engulfed Pompeii in ash. With a devastating effect. Now living in ash cocoons: scientists believe that because each person died in a different position, they had a story. (I told you it might not be quick). The city of Herculaneum also endured the effects of Vesuvius. They got the worst. Their flesh was burned of their bodies, only skeletons left in their place. From the impact of how powerful the explosion was, the side of the volcano collapsed. (I like describing things). :P Anyway, it's last eruption was in 1944, (let's just hope it doesn't happen again, eh?) Now, to get to the point of the entire post! Is Mt.Vesuvius the most dangerous volcano? Well, it isn't the most dangerous volcano, it's one of the most dangerous. It's believed to be the only active volcano on mainland Europe. 

Fun fact! :P

In Edinburgh their is a dormant volcano where a castle was safely built there!