Thursday 29 December 2016

Umbreon-Under the stars (fan made story) Part 1

His blood-red eyes shone, as did the circular, blue marks on his ears, tail, and legs. The moonlight made them glimmer on a beautiful frenzy, as it made the morning dew sing it's sweet lullaby. The stars, great balls of light, had the appearance of diamonds, a behold to see, yet easy to shatter. Umbreon called to the stars, great sadness clamping hold of his steel, caring heart. He said, "Why must the most bright and kind of people...soon become stars? He can't leave me...please don't, master." Someone called from inside the house, in a panicked voice. "Umbreon!" His ears perked up; he took a last glance at the moon, then ran inside the warm, fragrant house. Umbreon stared up at the source of the voice, his eyes shining, his ears perked. He heard a tiny, soft voice came from the living room, "U-Umbreon?" Short breaths followed, along with his heartbeat slowing down. Umbreon walked into the living room, sat next to the couch, his emotions slowly becoming one; sorrow. Plastic wires were connected to his body, pumping a mixture of oxygen and red blood cells to keep him alive, like a star, he was soon to fade, his bright rays turning grim. A weak, pleasant smile escaped his lips. Umbreon jumped onto the couch, he licked the boy's nose, then smiled with little contentment. He knew of his partner's illness, fragments of life fading away. He would soon become a star himself.

Friday 2 December 2016

Cubone-A Story Like No Other (Fan made story) Part 2 (final)

Cubone traced over the drawings on the walls, of Pokemon, humans and even ancient specimens he had never seen before. His sapphire-blue eyes examined the walls, trying to find traces of a Pokemon staying in this damp, pitch black place. He whispered, his hand leaving the wall, "Where is she? It's night...maybe I should see where she is. She's normally at the Great Maygreen Tree. I'm coming, Mama!" Cubone got up, dusting himself off. He followed the trail of silver dew, as it fell like a snowdrop onto his nose. He sneezed. The trees twisted unusually, letting no one human pass or enter. Their misery was a sweet taste on their wooden tongues. They didn't care; it was their fault. No one forced them, their minds were plagued with their own selfish desires, not caring who they hurt to get their way. Cubone walked cautiously through the trees, looking for any signs of his mother. So far, there was none. His foot made a twig crack; making sure he wasn't being followed, he turned around. Cubone murmured sadly, "Where are you, Mama?" Not very far ahead, The Great Maygreen Tree bathed in the moon's luxuriant light, surviving like no other tree would. Below the tree, a scene not made for the eyes of children gleamed in the moon's rays. The corpse of Cubone's dead mother.
He saw her corpse, motionless and bleeding increasingly. Cubone ran over to her corpse; placing her head in his arms. He cried, warm tears falling onto her torn head, fragments of bone showing, "Mama! promised. You promised..."
The only thing left of her alive was her powerful, hopeful smile painted on her face. Her eyes were gouged out; scratches that stained her body was like paint, easy to wipe off but leaving scars that couldn't heal. On The Great Maygreen Tree, letters were painted into the bark. It was his mother's final message. It read as the blood trickled down the tree, "My baby boy, I'm sorry. I broke your promise. I'll always be with you, always and forever." Behind him, a ghost outstretched her hand, a smile as radiant as the sun. It spoke, "My baby boy, I love you." He turned around, his eyes catching hers. He tackle-hugged her, cold yet, her soul was a concealed warmth within. She laughed. "I'm sorry I had to leave you this way. I love you, my dear." Their embrace was warm, and sorrowful. No matter what, she'd always be there for him, even as a spectre, waiting for her son's happiness to grow and make others happy like he was for her. 

Cubone- A Story Like No Other (Fan made story) Part 1

Rain fell down, melted crystals falling through the atmosphere. Many Pokemon concealed themselves in trees, or dark caves to protect themselves from the rain. Their bright eyes showed flames of eternal love, and sorrow for those still drenched. A Pokemon's life is important, if their life essence is lost, or their soul finally escapes to be with those of the dead, not one, but all Pokemon circle the fallen, eyes filled with tears. Sliding down their faces, onto the corpse below. A Pokemon's death is a grim, and desolate. A baby Cubone sat on its mother's knee, staring kindheartedly into her hazel eyes. They glimmered with hope. She spoke, "What is it, my dear?" 
Cubone smiled. "N-Nothing...I just love your eyes, Mama."
"Well, thank you, dear. Isn't it beautiful to watch the rain drops fall while watching them in the cave?"
"Yes. Mama?"
"What is it?"
"You never told me...what happened to Dad."
She sighed. "I knew this day would come, I just didn't know when." His mother's eyes changed, shining with soon-to-fall tears. She hugged him around the waist, holding him close. The droplets fell onto his  arm, sliding down, and glowing in the faint light. "Mama?"
"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Your father was a strong Pokemon, and intelligent. But, sometimes he would go out of line, and nearly die because of it. He went on an adventure with one of his close friends, or so he thought. His close friend was controlling your father, binding his heartstrings, snapping them one at a time if he didn't do it right. Your father went on that adventure with his 'friend' and they came to a desert. He grew weak, for he had an unstable heart. A gang of Cacturne pounced him when he fainted, then they let his 'friend' finish him off. That was the last I saw of him."
"How do you know this Mama?"
"He told me. A smile of malevolence, eyes as cold as frost. He didn't care, as long as he succeeded." 
"I'm so sorry, Mama."
"...Let's forget this for now." The rainfall stopped, only the droplets of moonlight silver dew left in place. They both watched as it stopped; watching some of the Pokemon coming out of their dry places. "My dear. I need to collect some food for us. I'll be back by night, that's a promise."
"Be...careful Mama."
"I will, my child." She placed a kiss upon his head, soft and known among Pokemon as a blessing to those you truly care for and want to stay safe. She left Cubone all alone in the cave, sadness overwhelming her features. I...I'm sorry, my son. I don't know if I ever will come back. I love you, always and forever. She disappeared through the trees, the silver dew falling onto the tip of her nose. She looked back once more, out of Cubone's sight.