Sunday 29 January 2017

Protest poem

Just like fire,
Burning the truth into our hearts,
Of those we admire,
Fighting for something we truly believe in.

To discriminate to the consequences of one’s sins,
It makes us die inside, or hearts slowly shatter,
It’s a cut upon our skin,
To maintain the rights and wrongs of
What we fight for.

We dream of justice, we exalt to our finest
And we join hands together in perfect
We cry, we rise, we protect, we protest
And we stay strong for those
Who can’t.

Mimikyu- The Mimic Pokemon (Update)

Mimikyu, (who I've previously written about) is known as the Mimic Pokemon, it's name also meaning mimic. Mimikyu has the ability of 'Disguise'. This Pokemon used to be quite the mysterious type, until Pokemon Sun and Moon came out. Even if cute, Mimikyu hides a deeper part of its soul it wants to stay hidden, for example in the Pokedex entry for Sun (Disguised form) it says,
"Its actual appearance is unknown. A scholar who saw what was under its rag was overwhelmed by terror and died from the shock."
However in Pokemon Moon's Pokedex entry, it says, "A lonely Pokémon, it conceals its terrifying appearance beneath an old rag so it can get closer to people and other Pokémon."

Except, there are also sad facts about Mimikyu, even if it does have a terrifying appearance that no one dares look at.
Mimikyu is quite a lonely Pokemon, disguised itself as Pikachu because it wants to be loved by humans. Furthermore, due to its health failing in the sunlight, it likes to go in dark places. This is why Mimikyu is found at the Thrifty Supermarket at night (an abandoned supermarket that was previously destroyed by the tapu because the supermarket was built on sacred grounds). The question is why didn't the tapu destroy the supermarket while it was getting built?

Saturday 28 January 2017

Phantump-Soul tied (Fan made story) Part 1

It was a quiet day. No one human was left awake, only the souls of the innocent had awoken, searching for a body to call their own. Most innocent, others trying to drag humans into their world, their ambition a dark desire plaguing their mind, bleeding from their once keen eyes, a curse to never see what was right or wrong. They didn't care. It made them feel alive again.Children were to stay inside the walls of their homes, their parents the first to make sure the night had dissolved back into day. Hugo, a quiet, intelligent boy, was known in the village to be interested in these spectres but listened to his father's pleas to stay way. That all changed. It was the morning, bright, beautiful and fragrant. It was the day of the Soul festival, the day on which humans were free from the demons, and plagued Pokemon of the forest. Hugo ate his steaming porridge with contentment as his father sewed the fishing net his companion, Lucario, had ripped while trying to grab the moving net. Lucario apologised to his master, his head bowed in shame. Hugo's mother, Jeannette, had passed away that previous year, due to a virus manipulating her blood, poisoning it. They never talked about it, it struck a soft spot in their hearts. Hugo's father, Atticus, was a proud fisherman, doing the best he could for his twelve-year-old child. Atticus laughed kind-heatedly, "Are you enjoying that, son? After you're finished, go out to play with your friends. It's a nice day outside. Oh, Lucario. It wasn't your fault, you just tried to help." Lucario raised his head, his blood-red eyes shining with tears. Hugo smiled, "Yes, Papa. I'm going to draw by the lake."
"The one near the forest?"
"...I...suppose, Papa. I'll be c-careful, I won't go near the forest, or in it."
"OK, I trust you. Why don't you take Vulpix? Just to be safe, and, she'll be the perfect Pokemon to draw."
"W-Wait!! You mean Mama's partner?"
"Yes...but she asked me to give her to you, as a present for your birthday. But...she can't wait to see you again! Since you were born, the both of you had a special bond, she loved you. But, after your mother's death..."
"I'm fine, son. Now, go with Vulpix and draw, will you?"
"Yes, Papa!" Atticus held a Poke Ball in his hand, a fire emblem edged carefully at the top. He released Vulpix, a low-spirited smile on his face. Vulpix pounced on Hugo, leaving an affectionate kiss on his nose. Hugo laughed with delight, got up, collected his pencils, rubbers, pencil sharpener, and ran out the door, Vulpix running happily behind him. The word can be a cruel place, sinsiter things can happen. That was the last time Atticus saw his son alive.